Grain chain connections

AGC is a home for Midwest farmers, makers, advocates, and eaters that have joined forces to take care of our lands and communities through the production and enjoyment of diverse, regionally-grown grains. From seed to table, we seek to support farming practices developed by Indigenous people, farmers of color, and other historic cultures so that we can all live healthier and more sustainable lives. Trusting relationships form the base of a thriving regional grainshed – we invite you to dig into these connections with our short film series!

The Farmer, The Miller & The Baker

From seed to final product, the food we eat passes through many hands. We explore that journey of the farmer, the miller, and the baker, and how the work they do is so intertwined.

This episode features Beth McConnon and Mark Askegaard of Askegaard Organic Farm, Patrick Wylie of Baker's Field Flour And Bread, and Tiffany Singh and Christopher MacLeod of Laune Bread reflecting on how they came to work together, what they find meaningful about their partnerships, and how their work is fostering development of the regional grainshed.

Mexican Tortillas, Midwest Maize

"Knowing who's growing and who's processing the food that you're eating is so know that the food you're eating is passing through just a few hands." — Julian Zepeda

Our second episode takes a multicultural angle on a staple food. When Julian Zepeda missed the foods of home, he satisfied his craving for traditional nixtamalized corn tortillas, seizing on the bounty of corn all around him in Wisconsin’s Driftless Area. We’re pleased to highlight the vital relationship between farmer and tortilla maker— how Julian and Heidi Zepeda of Tortilleria Zepeda are working with John Wepking of Meadowlark Organics, along with other local farms, to spread awareness of the superior flavor of fresh, local, tortillas made with nixtamalized corn, grown with care for the soil and the community. 

Seeding Community Change

This story invites a grounding conversation. What does it mean to be “in community” and grow and share food with neighbors? What can we all do to increase the availability of staple foods like grain and beans, grown with sustainable, regenerative practices, for those who need food?

Molly Breslin of Breslin Farms and Fresh Roberson of Fresher Together and the Chicago Bread Club discuss how they work together to ensure access to regionally-grown staple foods. Follow the story of how Molly’s black beans get from her Ottawa, Illinois farm to Chicago’s Southside to be a part of Fresher Together’s Community Grain Shares, part of their dedication to feeding community.

Food Sovereignty among the Cornstalks

This story illustrates an opening of possibility through interconnection. For the Ohe•láku corn growers cooperative within the Oneida Nation, it’s a story of increasing their food sovereignty with assistance from two AGC members, Meadowlark Farm and Mill and Gwenyn Hill Farm. Ohe•láku wanted to mill their own ancestral white corn, Gwenyn Hill had a mill they couldn’t use, and Meadowlark saw a need and made a critical connection. These relationships helped Oneida Nation members integrate a culturally significant food into their diets, ceremonies, and youth education.

“The most important thing that we are doing, is we’re not growing food...we’re growing farmers. We’re growing that knowledge in our community, that has been actively repressed for a long time. We’re the leaders in rebuilding that, and like they say, ‘repairing a bridge between the generations.’ So it’s not just involving the youth, but involving the elders, and giving them a place of honor within the circle to share what they know, so that that bridge can be complete, and everybody feels like their gifts can be shared in that circle.” — Lea Zeise, Ohe•láku

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Collaborations Happen All Along the Grain Chain

Farmers, Scientists,
and Makers

identify and develop staple crop varieties that work well for farms, food, and drink.

Bakers and Millers

collaborate to offer a variety of grains and flavors in baked goods reflecting the bounty of the Midwest.

Farmers, Makers, Researchers,
Advocates, and Eaters

meet at farms, mills, malthouses, and bakeries for field days to learn and strengthen relationships.

Advocates and Consumers

are connected and important to the people who grow and make their food. Their support helps cultivate food systems change.

Learn More
Illustration: Amy Sparks - A Visual Spark

As a member-led network, AGC was grateful to have the input from members on this project, including a dedicated Core Planning Team that included Julie Doll of Michigan Agriculture Advancement, Jenny Haglund of Bird Dog Baking, Sam Koentopp of Big Green, Christopher MacLeod of Laune Bread, and Claire Smith of Tenera Grains/Teffola.

Thank you to the Food & Farm Communications Fund for seeing the value in this effort and providing the seed funds to begin the work, and to Food:Land:Opportunity for additional financial support for this project.

Finally, a hearty thank you to Boxing Worm Creative Company. You put your hearts into this project and it shows!